Tuesday, August 28, 2012

quiz: what's NOT in a Walgreens?

So about today...

The strange:

-The mattress I ordered awhile back arrived tonight via FedEx...turns out mattresses bought from Walmart and shipped via FedEx are actually BORN. No really; they're vacuum-sealed in this cylindrical shape in a tall rectangular box. When you open the box and break the seal, suddenly the springs begin to pop and stretch, and the mattress begins to grow, gaining mass, until suddenly it pops out of the plastic wrap entirely. Honestly; I felt like I was watching an animal special on the Discovery Channel...

The funny:

-At the beginning of my grad program orientation this afternoon, they split us up into groups of five. So I'm sitting there with four of my peers (we're all between the ages of 22-26) chatting, and our host interrupts to tell us that each group needs to choose a spokesperson. So one of the girls at my table suddenly yells, "NOSE GOES!" and just like that, we all revert back to middle school. Ah, the comfort of the familiar...

-Walked to Walgreens tonight looking for shower cleaning products and WD-40. Turns out they don't carry WD-40. So as I'm buying, I ask the guy at the register if he can think of any product that might substitute for WD-40. He starts giving me suggestions, and as we're talking, his bored co-worker wanders over and inserts himself into our conversation. And then suddenly they're arguing about cleaning supplies, the ingredients in them, and whether or not any of the things I'm buying could be substituted for WD-40. I have to remind the original guy to give me my receipt, and as I'm walking out, they're still arguing. So yeah...I think I broke Walgreens tonight...


  1. I love the mattress part! Actually, to be honest, I loved all of it. But the mattress part really made me laugh. I purchased my mattress online and it was a very similar (odd) experience except that mine's memory foam so it more or less had to decompress for about a day and a half.

  2. I'm glad it made you laugh! :)

    A day and a HALF?! That's a long time. Mine took about 5 minutes, and I thought THAT was a long time. Sheesh...

  3. Yeah, I was a bit impatient. Fortunately, I ended up sleeping on it when it was only halfway decompressed anyway.
